
The Lodge On Holly Road-Sheila Roberts

The Lodge On Holly Road

Sheila Roberts

Harlequin MIRA, Oct 28 2014, $7.99

ISBN: 9780778316619

In Seattle, when his wife Faith passed away last year on Christmas Eve, James Claussen lost the Yuletide spirit; which is made worse as he plays Santa for parents to take pictures of their kids sitting on his knee.  After today’s ten hours of torture ends, he plans to escape to a cold beer before seeing his two adult children.  Instead, abetted by the elves, his kindergarten teacher daughter Brooke kidnaps him still in his Claus costume for a family holiday in Icicle Falls with his son Microsoft Systems Analyst Dylan meeting them at the Icicle Creek Lodge with his dad’s clothes which he forget to get.

At Style Savings, single mom (from different fathers) of seven year old Carlos who wants a dog and younger Lalla who wants a grandma, Missy Monroe deals with an ungrateful customer followed by a lecherous one.  After ending her shift, she takes her kids to the Icicle Creek Lodge so they can enjoy the holidays before tightening up on spending again.

When James and Missy meet, they are attracted to one another.  However, the widower feels guilty that he betrays his late wife made worse by Brooke’s objection; and the hair stylist fears taking a chance on a relationship even with Santa after a run of Mr. Wrongs.

The latest Life in Icicle Falls’ family drama (see The Tea Shop On Lavender Lane, The Cottage On Juniper Ridge and Merry Ex-Mas) is a warm Washington State holiday romance.  The engaging ensemble cast brings joy to readers; as even Santa finds love confusingly complex.

Harriet Klausner


The Fragile World Paula-Treick DeBoard

The Fragile World

Paula Treick DeBoard

Harlequin MIRA, Oct 28 2014, $14.95

ISBN: 9780778316763

The call from Ohio devastated the Kaufman family of Sacramento.  The oldest child, Oberlin College freshman Daniel the musical prodigy, died in a hit and run.  Over the next few years, Daniel’s parents and his then tweener younger sister Olivia cannot get past their grief.  Daniel’s father Curtis, a high school teacher, wants revenge on his son’s killer.  His furniture restorer wife Kathleen initially tried to save her family with counseling, but finally conceded it as a lost cause when they refused to go; and eventually abandoned her husband and other child by moving to Omaha.  Having lost her innocence Olivia has become obsessive compulsive with a need to list in her Fear Journal every crazy frightening thought that nukes her brain.

Curtis leans that Daniel’s killer Saenz is free.  Irate, he takes Olivia on a drive through Omaha to Ohio that the teen thought was an effort to begin resuscitating their relationship that died with Daniel’s death.  Instead Curtis has a secret agenda to make things right for his hurting family and himself.

Mostly rotating viewpoint between father and daughter, this is a tense family drama that has readers anticipating the hostile confrontation while the miles shrink between California and Ohio.  The on the road support cast is stereotyped though also enables readers to better understand the grief; while the debilitating hit and run impact on two families keeps the audience absorbed with expectations as to what will happen in Ohio.

Harriet Klausner


Christopher’s Diary: Secrets of Foxworth-V.C. Andrewsr

Christopher’s Diary: Secrets of Foxworth

V.C. Andrews

Pocket Books, Oct 28 2014, $7.99

ISBN: 9781476790589

In Charlottesville, banker Herm Cromwell hires construction company owner Burt Masterwood to inspect the twice burned down Foxworth Hall; as he has a live one interested in the property.  Widower Burt lets his teenage daughter Kristin accompany him to the job site.  Elated to see the remains close-up, Kristin knows she is a fourth cousin through her late mom to Malcom “Phantom of the Opera” Foxworth and that allegedly his ancestor kept her four grandchildren locked away in the attic for years until one died and three escaped.  The last Foxworth owner abandoned the property after a second inferno; insisting God wanted the evil cursed place razed.

Though her dad kept Kristin from knowing much about her lunatic maternal relatives, she learned a little at school where everyone looks at her as if she possesses the malevolent DNA.  Amidst the rubble Kristin finds Christopher’s Diary that reveals to her the dark Secrets of Foxworth.  Obsessed with the young author, Kristin wonders if she inherited the insanity taint.

This is a fascinating retelling of Flowers in the Attic but instead of Cathy’s viewpoint; Christopher takes center stage, sharing the spotlight but more as a supporting player to Kristin.  The two subplots are well-written, but the diary disappointingly adds nothing of significance to the original novel.  The impact on Kristin (not sure how many generations removed from the incarcerated four kids) brings interest to the Dollanganger drama as she learns why her schoolmates look at her as if she wears a Scarlet Letter (L for Lunatic) on her forehead.  Marcus Anthony (Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar) sums up this storyline: “…The evil that men (and women) do lives after them…” even several generations later.

Harriet Klausner


A Country Christmas-Debbie Macomber

A Country Christmas

Debbie Macomber

Harlequin MIRA, Oct 28 2014, $7.99

ISBN: 9780778316510

“Buffalo Valley”.  Vaughn leaves the Army to return to civilian life in Seattle where he starts a job in the New Year.  However, over the holidays Vaughn visits his family in Grand Forks, North Dakota.   While in town, the veteran introduces himself to elderly pharmacist Hassie; Vaughn’s parents named him after her son who died in Nam.  At the pharmacy, Vaughn and trainee Carrie meet and quickly fall in love. However, he has an ethics dilemma when he learns his Washington State employer plans to build a superstore that will destroy the mom and pop shops in Buffalo Valley.

“Return to Promise”.  The schism in their marriage started when Cal hid from his wife Jane that he signed up to participate in the Promise, Texas Labor Day Rodeo bull-riding event. The next incident begins when Jane’s mother calls to inform them that her father is ill. Jane, accompanied by her three-year-old son and eighteen-month-old daughter, travels to her California home while Cal stays behind.  The third mess occurs when Nicole makes a bold bid to catch geographical bachelor Cal’s interests.  With Jane in California and Cal in Texas, their relationship appears dead.

Buffalo Valley is a reprint that returns readers to the Dakota trilogy on an interesting journey to a Shangri-La threatened by “progress”.  Return to Promise is a reprint of a Heart Of Texas family drama starring protagonists who substantiates that men and women occupy different galaxies not just planets or states.

Harriet Klausner


‘Tis The Season-Robyn Carr

‘Tis The Season

Robyn Carr

Harlequin MIRA, Oct 28 2014, $7.99

ISBN: 9780778316640

“Under the Christmas Tree.”  Hairstylist Annie stops to admire a Virgin River Christmas tree only to find eight newborn puppies underneath it. Obviously abandoned, Annie brings the canines to the town `s vet Nathaniel.

“Midnight Confessions.”  One year ago on New Year’s Eve, Sunny’s fiancé Glen jilted her.  Though she wants to celebrate this New Year’s Eve alone at home, her Uncle Nathanial and his fiancée Annie insist she accompany them to Jack’s Bar.  UCLA Orthopedic resident Drew Foley and Sunny meet at the bar; whereas she rejects his attempts to get to know each other, he refuses to quit trying.

“Backward Glance.”  In Durango five years have passed since John last saw his beloved Leigh, but every time he drives passed her mom Jess’ house he looks to see if she is visiting.  Jess tells John she has a bad ticker but is not seeing the doctor.  Worried about her mom’s health, Leigh, accompanied by her four year old twins (Mitch and Ty), returns home.  When John and Leigh meet, they have a fight over who was at fault; as they reconcile another argument may destroy their love.

The first two tales are warm reprints of Virgin River novellas though the leads of Midnight Confessions seem unlikely to overcome their respective failed relationships as the prime icon etched in their respective brains.  Backward Glance is a pre-Virgin River second chance but with an overused premise.

Harriet Klausner

category, Historical

By Winter’s Light: A Cynster Novel-Stephanie Laurens

By Winter’s Light: A Cynster Novel

Stephanie Laurens

Harlequin Mira, Oct 28 2014, $16.99

ISBN: 9780778317470

In 1837, the six Cynster families, their servants and others in their circle like tutors come to Casphairn Manor in Scotland to enjoy the holidays.  Attracted to each other, Daniel Crosbie (tutor to the sons of Lucifer and Phyllida) and Claire Meadows (governess to the daughter of Rupert and Alathea) especially look forward to the extended family gathering as this gives them an opportunity to see each other.

Daniel patiently waited until he is on sound financial footing before he asks Claire to marry him.  Though she believes she loves the kind honest tutor, the widow refuses as being married once was one time too many for her.  However, Daniel knows who he wants to spend his life with so he continues to court his reluctant Medy.

The second Cynster Christmas special (see The Promise in a Kiss) is a pleasant holiday historical with a large cast (a listing helps with who belongs to whom) that includes the romance between the two likable employees, the return of leads from the previous twenty novels and the introduction to the Cynster offspring who will probably lead in a new Victorian series.  Targeting her fans, Stephanie Laurens authors a warm (even in snowy Scotland) Yuletide treat.

Harriet Klausner

category, Romantic Suspense

The Mighty Quinns: Ryan-Kate Hoffmann

The Mighty Quinns: Ryan

Kate Hoffmann

Harlequin Blaze, Oct 21 2014, $5.50

ISBN: 9780373798254

Hollywood based Greenmoor Studios chief Thom Perry hires Ryan Quinn to keep his soon to be star Hollywood actress Serena Hightower out of trouble until she marries; as bad publicity just before the release of a blockbuster movie could prove devastating.  The New Zealander assumes his latest gig will be R&R while his brother Rogan says Ryan is lucky as a baby-sitter to five hens including the soon to be bride Hollywood actress Serena Hightower at her bachelorette party in vacation paradise Fiji.

As soon as Serena leaves the plane, Ryan knows he is in trouble.  He wants her and she feels the same way; but he will not poach on someone else’s woman.  That changes when he learns Serena plans to end her engagement to Ben Thayer.  They head to New Zealand to determine whether they can make it at the risk of her career and for him to tell his family what he desires in life before he and his two brothers accompanied by their father climb Mt. Everest.

The third New Zealand branch of the Mighty Quinns (see Rogan and Malcom) is an enjoyable contemporary romance as a Hollywood starlet and a rugged outdoor guide fall in love.  The two leads mature as their relationship intensifies with each learning the meanings of family and commitment.  There will not be a dry eye with the climax at the top of the world.

Harriet Klausner

category, Contemporary

Oh, Naughty Night!-Leslie Kelly

Oh, Naughty Night!

Leslie Kelly

Harlequin Blaze, Oct 21 2014, $5.50

ISBN: 9780373798247

After an internship in Rwanda, twenty-six year old Lucille Vandenberg settles down in Washington.  Her first month in D.C. was getting used to her job and the city.  Now, Lulu is on the prowl for a superman (in bed that is).

At a Halloween Party, Lulu and her two friends (Amelia and Viv) salivate over a hunk when she recognizes him as journalist Chaz Browning; whom she has not seen since high school, almost a decade ago.  She is stunned that the scrawny nerd she tortured when they were teenage enemies has become a stud.  Chaz fails to recognize Lulu as they enjoy the night together before she vanishes.  Chaz and Lulu meet as neighbors, but he fails to realize his teen queen of mean adversary is the Halloween beauty he craves and she omits informing him that she is the star of his wet dreams; confusing him further is his desire to make it with Lulu.

The premise is terrific with one protagonist aware and the other not; while the execution is excellent.  Oh, Naughty Night! is a heated jovial contemporary made stronger by some of the ways Lulu irritated besieged Chaz as youngsters.  Readers will toast Leslie Kelly with a Capri Sun for this beguiling blazing romance.

Harriet Klausner


Every Tear A Memory-Myra Johnson

Every Tear A Memory

Myra Johnson

Abingdon Press, Oct 21 2014, $14.99

ISBN: 9781426753725

In 1919 France, Joanna Trapp worked for the U.S. Army Signal Corps as a “Hello Girl”.  There she met and fell in love with Walter, but he died in combat near SaintÉtienneàArnes.  After visiting the site of Walter’s death, Joanna opens up a letter from her brother Jack informing her that their mentally unstable widow mother died three weeks ago back home in Hot Springs, Arkansas.  Jack begs her to come home as he cannot raise their younger sister Lily alone.


Joanna returns to the States to help her family.  Arlington Hotel manager Thomas Ballard hires as a switchboard operator.  Though the boss and the employee are attracted to each other, she pledged loyalty to Walter; and he feels as her unworthy inferior having been medically rejected by the military; unlike his brother a hero in the Great War.

The third Till We Meet Again WWI era drama (See Whisper Goodbye and When The Clouds Roll By) is a fabulous tale of opposites in love.  The gender-bending lead couple is a wonderful pairing of an adventuress who finds civilian life in Arkansas exceedingly boring and a businessman who prefers the constant “tedium” of staying at home to raise a beloved family.

Harriet Klausner

category, Contemporary

A Christmas Celebration-Nancy Robards Thompson

A Christmas Celebration

Nancy Robards Thompson

Harlequin Special Edition, Oct 21 2014, $5.50

ISBN: 9780373658503

When his best friend Greg Thomas and his BFF’s wife Rosa died in a car crash, Celebration Memorial Hospital Chief of Staff Dr. Cullen Dunlevy takes in their four young mourning children (ranging in age from five to ten).  Rather than let the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services divide the quartet, Cullen plans to keep them with him until he finds a suitable family who will raise the fearsome foursome.  However, he works sixteen hour days and his housekeeper quits as the growing blue foam was the last straw.

After explaining to Lily Palmer the kids act out of grief and she replies they seek attention; he hires the second grade schoolteacher as their nanny not just because he is desperate, which he is, but he sees how gently she reached out to the youngest Hannah through Franklin the dog.  He also admires how well Lily deals with the oldest Megan, the only boy George and the second youngest Bridge.  As the six bonds into a warm family, “Uncle” Cullen struggles with his desires to adopt the kids while falling in love with the nanny because he is married to his job.

The fourth Celebrations, Inc. Texas romance (see Celebration’s Bride, Celebration’s Family and Celebration’s Baby) is an uplifting Yuletide family drama.  The lead couple is a nice pairing whose plans are nuked by the needy grieving youngsters.  With a nod to Nanny McPhee (sans the magic except inside the hearts of all of them) and mindful of W.C. Fields’ admonition: “Never work with animals or children” the troubled kids steal the show from the adults.

Harriet Klausner
